Production section

Transforming untrained labour in to trained labour in order to get the optimum participation of the youth who haven referred for higher education for the economic development of Sri Lanka is a key role of this Department. Socializing the youth who complete training from the vocational institutions established with a view to fulfill this goal is carried out by the production section of the Department of Industries.

Textile industrial centres and small industrial production centres have been set up with the goal of offering employment opportunities for unemployed people and offering an opportunity for the students who have successfully completed the training to improve their training. The craftsmen and women serving in these centres have been given opportunity to be engaged in production activities according to the number of pieces produced and on daily payment basis.

The number of production centres which contributes for the production purpose here is 96. Department of Industries has been able to provide employment opportunities for nearly 500 persons in these production centres scattered in the Western Province.

Providing various high quality products including handloom textile products to the customers as well as manufacturing various products such as desks and benches required for schools and Dhamma schools of the province is carried out by this division.